Don’t Reach For The Cheapest Website Host!

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Why Quality Website Hosting Is Important

Something we at Lee Empire Holdings have seen time and time again from different business owners is the fact that they often reach for the cheapest hosting solution that they can find. Now, don’t get us wrong, if you want a website for the sole purpose of showing off your amazing collection of cat photos then sure, reach for a cheap hosting platform and you’ll get absolutely no judgments from us.

But if you’re trying to run a company and get new business through your doors then a proper hosting environment is critical. These days the human attention span is alarmingly short (eight seconds), shorter than even a goldfish (nine seconds), some readers might not even make it down this far on this very blog. (But for those of you that do, we thank you!)

So why bring up attention spans? Cheap hosts often come with drawbacks: a third-rate performance with a fourth-rate firewall. (😉 for those of you that caught the reference).

With most users on the internet demanding instant gratification, business owners would be hard pressed to get users to stick around and wait for a slow website to load. And let’s say you get a surge in visitors due to a new marketing campaign or maybe you’ve gone viral on a social media platform, if your hosting platform isn’t set up to handle that traffic all your potential business has now gone down the drain.

Website Security

Now let’s say that your hosting platform does hold up against the increased traffic, with all that traffic coming to the site, what about the malicious bots and hackers that have now taken a liking to your website? It’s an unfortunate fact that countless websites get attacked and brought down daily. Using a subpar host is like inviting them in and handing them the keys to your website.

Whenever Lee Empire Holdings sets up a new landing page or website we always place them on a secure dedicated server. We also take it a step further by pairing a quality hosting environment with a CDN (Content Delivery Network) and a WAF (Web Application Firewall). Together, a CDN and WAF boost the performance and security of your website.

The CDN caches your website globally on different servers throughout the world so that your website is super fast and responsive regardless of where your users are. While the WAF protects your website from bots and hackers trying to find exploits.

If you’re looking to upgrade your hosting platform Lee Empire Holdings would love to help you with that! Contact us here or reach out to us at (954) 231-3044.

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